Institute of Public Health of Serbia

"Dr Milan Jovanović Batut"

Health indicators in the Republic of Serbia - Data Presentation System

The basic purpose of the Data Presentation System (DPS) is to present available statistics by geographical areas, using a user-friendly graphical form. This system is a unique tool that can provide quick and easy access to large amounts of collected statistical data and facilitate their use.

The first version of DPS has been developed in the early 90s of the last century for the WHO European “Health for All” database. The database was created as off-line version and later placed on the WHO Web site (see Many countries have also started to use DPS to facilitate access to and use of data from the domain of national health statistics.

DPS was further developed by experts of the Institute of Public Health of Serbia, in order to facilitate the use of health indicators for decision making, supervision and management of health systems at national and local level. In this sense, the DPS is a simple and effective tool for improving national health information system that makes the collected data available to all interested parties. The additional value of DPS is that the feedback from the user improves the availability and quality of data.

Data presentation system on health indicators of the Republic of Serbia contains eight sets of indicators related to the following areas:

• Demography and other socio-economic indicators
• Mortality
• Morbidity
• Lifestyles
• Environment
• Health Resources
• Use of health services
• Maternal and child health.

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User guide

Updated on 02.11.2021.